Final Thanks

To the 40,000 plus people of Surrey who placed their trust in me, by voting for me yesterday, I thank you. To all the voters in Surrey who chose Linda Hepner as their Mayor, and to those same people for putting their trust in the entire Surrey First Team of Councillors, I thank you as well.

To those who did not vote for me, I hope over the next four years, to earn your confidence and help make Surrey a better place to live.

I would also like to thank the Surrey First Campaign Team who kept us moving forward with positive messages, positive ideas and providing a positive look at the future and what we can accomplish. Our team stayed on the high road and the public responded well to the positive things we have done and what we will do in the future.

I would also like to thank my personal team made up of neighbours, friends and family who surrounded me with non-stop words of encouragement and support during the past few months. They kept me moving forward with the goal to be in City Hall, and to be in a position to keep the City we live, work and play in, the best place to be in the world.

Mike Starchuk - Election Night with Surrey Fire FightersThanks to the Fire Fighters of Surrey who were awesome during this campaign. They provided me with unwavering support by sharing what I stand for. They were critical to the Surrey First Team with the placement, maintenance and upkeep of all those signs. They also made those “gold and black” shirts, some of the most sought after goods in this campaign. More importantly, my Brothers and Sisters of the Surrey Fire Fighters’ Association, placed their trust in me that I will keep public safety and the needs of the citizens of Surrey at the forefront, no differently than I had done for the 32 years I served as a Surrey Fire Fighter.

Lastly, thanks to my family. I will never forget that dinner when I asked them what they thought about my possible endeavour. They had no hesitation and quickly came up with ideas on what they could do to help me and the Surrey First Team. I could not have survived this campaign if it were not for the love, compassion and support they gave me.

I look forward to taking a seat on council and moving the issues I talked about during my campaign, forward, and helping move the City forward over the next four years.

Thank you Surrey - Mike Starchuk Blog -



  1. Davi on November 17, 2014 at 5:16 pm

    Mike, congrats on a great win — to you and your team.

  2. Dena Paine on November 17, 2014 at 6:26 pm

    Mike…What a privilege to vote for you! YOU stood up for what you believe needs to happen and you made the commitment to ‘Go For It!’ Dan and I have ‘no doubt’ that we are going to see great things come from your winning a seat as Surrey Councillor. Well done!

  3. Ollie on November 17, 2014 at 6:33 pm

    Way to go Mike.. We are all proud of you..Best of luck for your new endever..SEE YOU SOON..

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