Thank you, Surrey-Cloverdale!

Thank you to the people of Surrey-Cloverdale… I am honoured, and so very grateful!

The journey for myself has just begun, but for the BC NDP and John Horgan and his team, the journey still continues… for the next four years.

I am excited and honoured to be the first BC NDP MLA in Surrey-Cloverdale, and the first professional Fire Fighter to be elected to the BC Legislature.

To Marvin Hunt, I thank you for your years of public service, both as a City Councillor, and as an MLA.  I wish you well in your future endeavors.

The people of BC have made it clear,  the vision of the BC NDP, under the leadership of John Horgan, is what is needed to move British Columbians out of a Pandemic, in a safe and secure manner. British Columbians know the BC NDP is prepared to lead us in an economic recovery at the same time providing investments into our healthcare and educational systems. These investments will lead us in job growth of 18,000 additional jobs annually.

I have spent the last month speaking to the people of Surrey-Cloverdale, in a safe, socially distanced manner. We talked about what matters the most to them and what the BC NDP can bring to Surrey-Cloverdale. We talked about their voices being heard and we talked about the future of Surrey-Cloverdale.

I am sure the residents of Surrey-Cloverdale are excited to have a new hospital coming, with a regional cancer center as part of the new hospital.

I am sure the residents are excited to have SkyTrain connecting them to the regional transit system.

I am sure the residents are excited to have additional school spaces coming to Surrey-Cloverdale

All of the above-mentioned projects, that are coming to Surrey-Cloverdale, will improve healthcare, education and transportation. These are the  things the residents told me they cared the most about. These projects will create many new jobs and help move our economy out of the pandemic. These construction projects will help families in Surrey-Cloverdale.

Thank you, Surrey-Cloverdale -

I wish to thank my team. They inspired and pushed me every day. Like all good teams, behind them are a great team of volunteers.

Special thanks to the members of Surrey Fire Fighter Association – Local 1271.

Thanks to my friends and family who were a big part of my decision to pursue this next step of my life.

And again, thanks to the people of Surrey-Cloverdale, for putting their trust in me.  I am honoured, humbled, and so very grateful.


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