Surrey Fire Fighters Endorsement

Mike is proud, to once again, have the endorsement of the Surrey Fire Fighters’ Association.

Mike Starchuk - Endorsed by Surrey Fire Fighters -

We are proud the hardworking members of the Surrey Fire Fighters Association are supporting Tom Gill, along with Mike Starchuk, Vera LeFranc, Upkar Tatlay, and Trevor Halford, in the 2018 Surrey Municipal election.

“The Surrey Fire Fighters Association would like to officially endorse Tom Gill as the next Mayor of Surrey. Tom has shown a commitment and an excellent track record of finding solutions to keeping our community safe. As our city continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, we believe Tom is the right choice to lead us into the future. On October 20th, 2018, Surrey Fire Fighters will be voting for Tom Gill as Mayor.” ~ Mark McRae, President, Surrey Fire Fighters’ Association



Reasons To Elect Mike Starchuk

Mike was pleased and honoured to see this ad, detailing his qualifications and track record of community involvement, run in Surrey papers.

This ad was run as part of the endorsement and support of the Surrey Fire Fighters – Local 1271, for Mike Starchuk for Surrey City Council.

Surrey Fire Fighters Endorse MIKE STARCHUK - 3x7 -

If the image doesn’t load, you can see a PDF version of the ad, by clicking this link here


BC Professional Fire Fighters’ Association Endorsement

In May 2014, at the BC Professional Fire Fighters’ convention, over 175 delegates from 41 BC Fire Fighter Union Locals, bestowed Mike Starchuk with an Honourary Membership to the British Columbia Professional Fire Fighters’ Association (BCPFFA).

This honour was in recognition of his years of selfless work on behalf of his fellow fire fighters throughout the Province of British Columbia and the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF). Starchuk has worked tirelessly in assisting fire fighters with resolving work related injuries and in improving and maintaining their overall health and wellness.  Surrey Fire Fighters’ Association President Mike McNamara stated, “Mike has been their anchor with his work and support of firefighters and their families, when they needed it most.”

You can read more about Mike’s selfless work on behalf of BC Fire Fighters, his community activism, and long history of volunteering and community involvement, here:

On November 3rd, Mike Starchuk and the Surrey First Team were honoured to be endorsed by the BC Professional Fire Fighters’ Association, because of their support for Fire Fighters, and public safety issues.

 BC Professional Fire Fighters' Association endorses Mike Starchuk, Linda Hepner and the Surrey First TeamYou can read the full text of the BC Professional Fire Fighters’ Association endorsement of Mike and the Surrey First Team, here: BCPFFA endorsement

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(It should be noted that this endorsement is in addition to the previously given endorsement by the Surrey Fire Fighters – Local 1271, of Mike Starchuk and current Surrey First City Council members)

Surrey Fire Fighters support Mike Starchuk and the re-election of current Surrey First City Coucillors