An Apology

Last week, at an All Candidates Meeting, in one segment, I used the ‘R’ word, to describe a situation. This was reported by the media. At the event, I immediately and sincerely apologized. This was not reported by the media, but has been confirmed to the reporter, by an independent source.

I’m sorry for using it, and I understand the comments and feedback I have received, especially given that my immediate apology wasn’t publicly reported.

I have worked with various organizations that support people with special needs for many years, and I regret my choice of words, during an intense political debate.

I can’t change this, but I intend on moving forward with my campaign, hoping this regretful choice of words is now behind me.

This is not a reflection on my family, nor those I am running with in this election, so please direct any comments or concerns to me.

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