Mike Starchuk, BC NDP Candidate for Surrey-Cloverdale

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For those who have been here before, you may already know about me.

For those new visitors, let me introduce myself… 

My name is Mike Starchuk.  Mike Starchuk & Premier Horgan - MikeStarchuk.com

In 2014, I retired holding the position of Chief Fire Prevention Officer, with Surrey Fire Services.  My 32 years of service as a first responder, firefighter and public safety officer have provided me with first-hand knowledge, and a unique perspective on the growth of the city, and its citizens.  During my time with the Surrey Fire Fighters’ Association, I was active with health and safety initiatives in the city and across the province.  I am currently a Partnership in Education Program facilitator for the International Association of Fire Fighters.  I am one of four Canadians who facilitate leadership and political action training for the 320,000 members in North America.  I was one of the founding members of the Surrey Fire Fighters Charitable Society, which is one of the leading charities in Surrey.

In 2014, I was honoured to be elected as a Surrey City Councillor.  I enjoyed the opportunity to work hard on behalf of my community, and make changes and to proudly represent the people of Surrey, whether in my office, out in the communities and neighbourhoods, or representing the City of Surrey in another municipality.

Now, I am announcing that I am running to represent the people of Surrey-Cloverdale, in the upcoming Provincial election.

Mike Starchuk - Surrey-Cloverdale NDP - MikeStarchuk.com

Having lived and worked in Surrey my whole adult life, I feel connected to, and a part of the Community, and with my experience, feel uniquely qualified to address the challenges and help the Community move forward.

I look forward to engaging with voters, as COVID-19 safety procedures allow.

I hope on October 24th, you will cast your vote for me, so I may continue to represent the City I love; the City I have called home for over 50 years; the City I work, live and play in.

Thank you for your consideration.


Mike Starchuk



To see a short video about Mike, click the image below…





  1. Rod on October 6, 2020 at 1:09 pm

    I live in the fleetwood area from 160 st to your location cloverdale we have no idea of who the ndp person is and you need to get the word out to every person ., the riding used to be fleetwood to 168 st was changedlast election and split at 160 westt side of 160 is fleetwood east side of 160 is your riding
    on a nother note I shall vote for you but I am very pissed about this election being called John needs to be spoken to about this wrong time with all the problems going on this not the time no matter what he saids

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