Speak Up Surrey – Rally In The City Hall Plaza

Speak Up Surrey - Rally In The Plaza - Mike Starchuk - MikeStarchuk.com

Speak Up Surrey!

The 2020 Budget is giving Surrey Residents ZERO!

Join us at our Rally…

Surrey City Hall is located at 13450 104 Ave, Surrey, BC

Hope to see you there, at 6 pm on Monday, December 16th!



  1. Claire Nicol BEd MA RCC on December 14, 2019 at 9:51 am

    Hi Mike
    Just watching your interview this morning on Global and thought I pass along a piece I think won’t be news to anyone. As a registered clinical counsellor I understand how important the relationship is, between client and therapist. On the street it is the RCMP who, after years and years of working with the citizens of Surrey, have this relationship. These muli-faceted relationships are based on TRUST, which is developed over TIME. Sorry. I’m yelling…Working both in private practice and as an elementary school counsellor for two inner city schools in Surrey (including Old Yale) I see how the RCMP works with the kids and families.
    If McCallum truly had the best interest of people of Surrey, he would understand what is at stake here.
    Lives. Futures.

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