What Separates Mike Starchuk & Surrey First from the Rest of the Candidates

During the past three weeks, voters have had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Councillor candidates and what they stand for. The dialogues and debates provided forums for the voters to hear us. Surrey voters can now go to the polls and cast their votes for those who will keep the City moving in the right direction.

As a new Councillor candidate, I need to ensure that YOU, the voter, are aware of what YOU can count on, when you elect someone to the City of Surrey Council. I have made every effort to connect to as many of you as possible and will continue to do so right up to the close of polls this Saturday. And, if elected as Councillor for the great City of Surrey, will remain available to my constituents on an ongoing basis.

What Makes Mike Stand Out?

You could vote for someone who reads or hears about some of the issues we have in Surrey. Or you can vote for the person who has been dealing with the issues on a first-hand basis, for years.

You can vote for someone who believes changes may be required at City Hall. Or you can vote for someone who has worked with all of the Departments, and knows where improvement can be made.

You can vote for a person who wants to talk about solutions. Or you can vote for someone who has solutions that need to be moved through our Civic process.

Public Safety

We all agree that public safety is a top priority, but what I have heard, is we need to deal with the root problems and restore a sense of community. Having lived in the same location in Newton for the past 24 years, I can vouch for how well our cul-de-sac works, because we know our neighbours, and we watch out for each other.

Secondary Suites

The other issues that I have a direct working knowledge of, are those surrounding secondary suites and Surrey’s recovery houses. I am confident that Surrey First can improve the process in which we deal with secondary suite issues. Specifically, the matters of multiple illegal suites, safe and affordable living spaces, parking and additional demands for services for the unaccounted residents living in these illegal suites.

Recovery Houses

Recovery houses are also a hot topic and hiring more By-Law Officers is not the solution. We need to work with the Ministry of Health, the Fire Department and our existing By-Law Officers to ensure compliance with provincial and municipal regulations. We need to also ensure that those seeking recovery are provided a space that is safe and livable, so they can concentrate on their recovery and again becoming a productive member of our City.

A Team With Experience

To achieve these goals and to move forward, you need to have a team. More importantly, you need to have a team with experience.

With my 32 years as a firefighter, I assure you, experience is paramount in making decisions. Without experience, decisions made in the Fire Service could become disastrous. Experience in a team environment, through mentoring and education, produces the most efficient results. Surrey First has a proven track record and has a team with experienced Councillors as well as some new candidates who have experience in the City and want the opportunity to be mentored as they grow in their new roles as Councillors in the City.

Voting For Surrey First

On November 15th, you have the opportunity to vote for a better Surrey. It will be a daunting task when you look at the ballot and see three columns of names and parties to choose from. You will vote for one Mayor from a list of seven names. To fill eight Councillor positions, you will be presented with 35 choices!

Don’t be fooled by the names of those political slates that have chosen their names to mimic the “Surrey First” brand. I have put Surrey FIRST for the last 32 years as a firefighter, and now I’m asking you to vote for the Surrey First TEAM.

Vote Mike Starchuk for Surrey City Council on November 15th

Keep Surrey FIRST as the best place in the world to raise a family.

Make Surrey the FIRST place to work and invest in.

Make Surrey the FIRST place to think of, when looking for world class sports facilities and arts and cultural events.

When you are at the polling station on November 15th, please remember to vote for Linda Hepner for Mayor, Mike Starchuk and the entire Surrey First Team for Surrey Council, and the Surrey First Education Team for Surrey School Trustees.

Thank you for your consideration!


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